Di grassi wiktenauer

Di grassi wiktenauer. And vvhilest the arme is borne straight on high (to the end it may be borne the more streight, & vvith lesse paines) the feete also vvould stand close and vnited together, & that because, this vvard is rather to strike than to defend, and therefore it is necessarie that it haue his increase prepared: so that vvhen the thrust is discharged, he ought as by the knowledg of their orderlie and discreet motion, aswel in the Listes as in common fraies, ther hath bin obtained honorable victorie, so their busie and vnrulie motion haue bine occasion of shamefull hurts and spoils. C OME cosa superflua lascio di dire la maniera conlaqua. 1389. GOod Reader, before thou enter into the discourse of the hidden knowledge of this honourable excerise of the weapon now layd open and manifested by the Author of this worke, & in such perfectnes translated out of the Italian tongue, as all or most of the marshal mynded gentlemen of England cannot but commend, and no one person of indifferent iudgement Just because scans appear on Wiktenauer does not mean that they are free to use. Who (forasmuch as they are to incounter manie, and to the end they may strike the more safelie, and amase them with the furie of the Sword) do altogether vse to deliuer great edge blowes, downe right and reuersed, fetching a full circle, or compasse therin, staying them selues sometimes vpon one foote, sometimes on the other, vtterlie neglecting to thrust, and perswading themselues, that the Original file ‎(1,239 × 1,754 pixels, file size: 4. VVhen it is better to strike with the edge. Saxo the Dane -c. these weapons ioyned togither, he must encrease a pace with the right foot, & staying the enimies sword with his cloke, recouer his owne sworde nimbly, and then diliuer a thrust with the encrease of a pace of the right foote. Other manuals are available online at Wiktenauer. Di tutti ó della maggior parte de tagli, si da offesa come di difesa se ne tratterrà abundantemente nell'inganno. sword which was before, maketh no increase of pace and therefore cannot strike more then the defence & strength of the arme will beare, and that is weake to strike, but yet verie strong to defend: and the self same accidentes and qualities, which are found to be in the enimie, are incident also to our selues. And they are two thrustes, the one within, the other without, with the right foote both before and behinde. and yet not so, but that I will also talke of edgblows when in my treatise I come to that place where it shalbe commodious to strike therewith, placing them neere to their wardes and defenses, although against all edgeblows this is the best defence, to strike by the right lyne before the fall of the enimies sword, for, being deliuered in shorter time, it withstandeth their fall and lighting. Original file ‎(1,275 × 1,650 pixels, file size: 10. panied with the legge: for otherwise, by meanes of the force and waight, which is without the perpendiculer or hanging line of the body, hauing no prope to sustain it, a man is in daunger of falling. halfe pace, and found the enimies sword, he must encrease an other halfe pace forwardes, and strike him, costing and forcing the enimies sworde, on that side where it may do no hurt. ,le si uietano i colpi ai taglio, hauendo di gia detto, che có le pú te sipossono uietare tutti i colpi di taglio. Hanko Döbringer's Fechtbuch on the Teachings of Johannes Liechtenauer -c. An Aduertisement to the curteous reader. and vsed to enter through diuers Pikes & other weapons, and to breake and disorder the battell raye, to which ende, and purpose, if it be vsed, then that manner of mannaging and handling is verie conuenient which is practised now adaies, and thus it is: The Partesan, Holberd, and Bill (but not the Iauelin, being in this case nothing effectuall because it hath small force in the edge) must be then by framing of two wardes, in one of which, he shal strike the bodie from the middle vpwards, & this I will terme the low warde: the other shall strike the bodie from the middle downwards, & shalbe called the high ward. either with the single Cloake or single Rapier: For whilest he assaieth to defend himself, he cannot strike. 34 MB, MIME type: application/pdf, 184 pages) I libri di pubblico dominio sono l’anello di congiunzione con il passato, rappresentano un patrimonio storico, culturale e di conoscenza spesso difficile da scoprire. D. per difesa nella parte sinistra, fa dibisogno trarli foura co'l pugnale dalla parte sinistra. suddenly vnder them a thrust be deliuered, against that parte which is most disarmed. vp on the which the enimie of himselfe shal runne & inuest himselfe. Et questo basti quanlo all’adoprare la spada, & il pugnale con auantagio, & ueramente. taglio fa il giro, & che la punta piu breue, con quello chi e piu uicino giunge piupresto & percio ferir di punta sotto eßi colpi di taglio, pure per esser cosa naturale il difendersi anco in altro modo dico, che si puo incontrar il diritto con il fillo spingendo nellistesso tempo la punta alla faccia giranda alquanto il piede di dietro per di dietra nella parte destra per allungar piu la sapere che tanto naturalmente cresce & minuisce il passo quanto la mano, però si uede che quando si ha il pie desiro indietro la mano ancora ui si ritruoua, &; sforzandosi di star in altro modo si fa uiolenza alla natura, & non i puo durare; onde quando si forma una guardia tenendo la mano allargata il piede anchora si conduce per fortezza uerso quella parte, quando si ha la mano bassa From Wiktenauer. But if blowes come from the knee downwardes, they of force must be encountred with the sword, and alwaies with the false, or backe edge thereof, whether that the blowe be right or reuersed: & therewithall the enimies legge must be cutt with the edge prepared without mouing either the feete or bodie. 1 MB, MIME type: application/pdf, 184 pages) his armes, his feete, and his whole person: for each of theis motions are sufficient of themselues, to alter the warde. For seeing the Cloake is not flexible in that parte (which flexibilitie is his onely strength) litle preuaileth either length or largenes, wrapped about a solide substāce. Di Grassi's art was probably designed for the side sword, but the English translator states that he felt it was more DiGrassi his true Arte of Defence (Giacomo di Grassi) Treatise scans: B&W photocopy (1594) B&W photocopy (1594) B&W photocopy (1594) THE ARMARIUM. selfe vnto two onely which are verie strong and hardly to be warded. From Wiktenauer. AS a man standeth at the lowe warde he may easily defend both those loftie thrustes. . offender & difender, dal qual giuditio ne nscee cognitione al quanto s'habbia a fare, & come s'habbia da adoprar contr'essa. The Defences of the two Hand sword. See a complete listing of known surviving Medieval & Renaissance titles here. P ER uniuersale precetto ho dato in ogni arma & in ogni guardia, che no si debba per procurarsi auantagio ouero p ferir piu presto linimico, trar colpi di taglio et pariméte che có facilità, et có poco pericolo si puo essere feriti sotto le coltellate. DIFESA DI GVARDIA BASSA. And it is to be considered, that in these thrustes, he that defendeth hath great aduanrage: For the enimie cometh resolutely to strike, not thinking that it may in any other sort be warded then by giuing backe, But he that wardeth by encreasing, defending & drawing neere vnto the enimie, is so placed, that he may easily and he may easily performe & do it: for whilest he entreth to giue a high thrust with his hinder foote, although that foot be behind yet it must accompanie the arme vntil it hath finished his thrust, & settled it self in the low ward. Jump to navigation Jump to search. right, and once reuersed, two reuerses and one right, and likewise, two right and one reuersed, to the ende that the hande take not a custome to deliuer a righte blowe immediatlie after a reuerse. Therefore when one endeuoreth with the encrease of a pace to force his sword within, he shall assaie to strike it home, with the selfe same sword because as I haue before said, to strike with the other were to long. But yet if one would needes false an edgeblowe, let him do it with the false edge of the sword, then turning it in full circle, to deliuer home the edgeblowe, and in striking alwaies to encrease a pace. from the thrust that hurteth him, he hath no leasure, nor happilie mindeth to strike, but onely to defend himselfe, either by voyding his bodie, or els by some other shift, which he shall then find out. Et cosi difendendoli con la spada farli uscire dalla parte destra, perche altramente facendo cioè spingendo fuora di copi sinistri dalla parte destra hauendo la spada inimica oltra il motto di trauerso che gli si da per trarla fuora il retto anco ra che gli da l'inimico, continuando l'uno & laltro può the procuring of any aduantage, either for striking the enimie more readily) deliuer blowes of the edge. 1 MB, MIME type: application/pdf, 184 pages) The hurt of the high warde, at sworde and round Target. Neither is there any other difference between these two defences, but that whilest the right blowe fetcheth his compas, a man may giue a thrust and hit home first: For the thrust vnderneath, must onely of necessitie be warded, because, cōming in the straight lyne, it ministreth no aduantage or time to hit home first. And in like sorte, I haue saide, that easily and with small danger, one may be strooken vnder any such blowe: which precepts, as in each time and place, they ought to be obserued: so in this warde principally they may not be forgotten. Se dunque uorrà rettamente esso braccio ferir nel punto. BEcause the round Target containeth in it most great & sure defence, therefore ought not any edgeblowe which may be easily warded with the single sword without the helpe of the Target be deliuered. ma tornando a proposito del modo di difender che é di opponer l'arme, questo s'usa & i uulgarißimo, ma non utile nel modo che si usa la causa, e' perche quando uanno ad incontrar & ad opponersi al'arma che uiene per offendere non si fidando che l'arma poßi difendere found out to no other end, then for that the foot men in the warres, might be able with them to hurt those horsemen (whome they might not reach with their swords) aswell with their point as with their edge. fi deve sempre avertir di girar il piede sinistro verso la parte di dietro di modo che sempre il piede di dietro vadi girando per esser sempre nella linea retta della mano & della spada come il diametro d'un cerchio, per il girare del enimies sworde: And it being suddenly found, hee must with the encrease of a slope or crooked pace, lift vp his hand and driue a thrust downwards, with the increase of a straight pace. In other cases, the scans have no standard license and Wiktenauer has received special permission to host them (and can't grant that permission to anyone else). That therefore which he may safely do, in this warde, is to expect and watch for the enimies comming. Early 13th Century. Of the defence of the high warde at Sworde & Buckler. sideration to the Mathematicians & Historiographers to reason of his diuers qualities or passions, either who was inuentor thereof, either, whether it be a weapon of antiquitie, or of this our age, And comming to discourse of that, wherein it profiteth in this our time, (being a weapon sogreatly honoured and estemed of Princes, Lords, & Gentlemen, that besids thvse thereof in their affairs Il qual modo di schermire oltra che è bellissimo da uedere, quando è accompagnato da grandissima uelocità che in altro modo non riesce, è anco utilissimo non per esser suo proprio, ma perche gli huomini considerata la gran furia del spadone per gran timore non si risoluono a far quello che ueramente potrebbono non fare cioè, o di andare ad mie, there is also another that is of warding: For the Target being borne after this manner (framing a triangle) the sharpe corner thereof respecteth the forehead, and the sides thereof so spread themselues, that through the least motion, any bigg man whosoeuer, may stand safe behind them. Jun 11, 2020 · In the second waie, which is framed with the righte foote behind, the sword alofte, and the dagger before, & borne as aforesaid, he ought in like sorte discharge a thrust as forciblie as he may, with the increase of a straight pace, staying himselfe in the lowe warde. To the Right Honorable my L. Commenti, note e altre annotazioni a margine presenti nel volume originale compariranno in questo file, come testimonianza del lungo viaggio percorso dal libro, dall’editore wards the enimie, the other backward & toward him selfe. 1 MB, MIME type: application/pdf, 184 pages) with a thrust, and then an edgeblow right or reuersed to be deliuered, or else to false a high thrust, and deliuer it beneath or else where. The Authors Epistle vnto diuers Noble men and Gentle-men. IN tutte le guardie qual uolta si truoua con la punta uerfo l'inimico, é grandßimo disauantagio il ferire di taglio, & se in modo alcuno è pur lecito ferire di taglio, è quando l'huomo si ritruoua in questa guardia bassa, percioche torna commodo, et f consuma poco tempo à trar qualche taglio tra le punte, ouero trahendo può facilmente The manner how to strike. Wiktenauer is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and many of the scans we host are only licensed for nonprofit use. FOr no other cause, the edge is preferred before the poynt, then for the time: the shortnes whereof, is so to be esteemed aboue all other things in this Arte, that (omitting the point and edge) it ought to be giuen for the best and chiefe counsell, that same to be the better blowe, in which a man spendeth least time. any more of the true knowledge of the weapon, then that, which onelie appertayneth to be spoken in this worke, but will hereafter at my more leasure, handle it more at large, at what time, it shal be knowen, that men (giuing ouer all other false & vain kind of skirmishing) ought to settle them selues in this, by meanes wherof, their iudgements are perfected, and they more insured vnder Others, who esteemed the forme & bignes thereof, because it seemed vnto them that the Target without any other motion was most apt of it selfe to ward all that parte of the bodie which is betwixt the neck & and the thigh, bare it with their arme drawne backe close to their brest. 1440. con la capa crescendo il passo & andando ad incontrar l’inimica spada piu inanti che sia posißle per che si puo commondamente ferendo poi di punta di sotto con la cresciutta del passo destro, con la sola spada basterà quel riparo che si desse nella sola spada di spinger la punta alla coscia la qual uieta il cader del riuerso, DOI SONO i modi per hora di iimbracciar la capa l'uno quando hauendo tempo si piglia la capa nel capuccio, & si uolge una ò due uolte intorno al braccio. THEIS kind of weapons haue so great libertie of striking or warding, and are so entermedled the one with the other, as no other sorte of weapon is, which I may compare with theis. THe defences of the two hand sworde require a stout hearte, for that the susteining of such great blowes, by reason whereof, a man considereth not the aduātage of time, being the most principal thing of al, causeth him to flie or retire backe holding for a certaintie that euerie blowe giuen therwith, is not possible to be warded. In all theis wardes, he may with either hande and sword, practise to false against the enimie, sometimes by fayning, sometimes by discouerie. 1 MB, MIME type: application/pdf, 184 pages) Just because scans appear on Wiktenauer does not mean that they are free to use. Giacomo di Grassi’s “Ragione di adoprar sicuramente l'arme” was originally published in 1570, discussing the use of the sword alone and with various companion weapons, as well as pole arms and the two-handed sword. DELLA DIFESA DI GVARDIA LARGA di spada, & pugnale. arme be stretched out wide, the right foote also (being behind) shall be in like maner widened, the which, when it increaseth forwards, shall also carrie with it the right shoulder, voyding alwayes with the left side. Laltro che spesse uolte accade quando lasciandosi cader la capa qiu della spalla si piglia casualmente da un lato & si uoltegia intorno al braccio una o piu uolte. warde. DiGraſsi his true Arte of Defence: Author: Giacomo di Grassi: Translator: Thomas Churchyard: Editor — Year B & di qui nasce la difficultà del ferir giusto de punta. tions much better then he did before, or by hearing lerneth the harmonie and conformitie of voices which he knew not, ought it therefore besaide, that he seeth or hereth more then he did? And therefore he shall proue himselfe but a foole, who trusting to the Cloth wrapped about his arme, doth encounter any right edgeblowe therewith. Borrow Lord Gouernor of the Breil, and Knight of the most honorable order of the Garter, T. And he which is not much practised and exercised therein, ought not to make profession of this Arte: for he shal finde himselfe to be vtterly deceiued. This is a digital copy of a book that was preserved for generations on library shelves before it was carefully scanned by Google as part of a project to make the world’s books discoverable online. Therefore among renowned knightes and great Lords this weapon is highly esteemed, because it is as well voide of deceite, as also, for that in well handling thereof, there is required great strength of bodie, accompanied with great valure and deepe iudgement: for there is required in the vse thereof a most subtill & delicate knowledge and consideration of times, and motions, and a readie Resta solo dunque di usare la punta, la quale si debbe trar con la cresciuta del pie dinanzi, auer tendo prima, che si spinga, se è poßibile, battere la punta della spada inimica co'l pugnale. or crooked, either before the enimie commeth thrusting, either as soone as he moueth himselfe for the same purpose, or if he be actiue and nimble to trauerse, and in defending himselfe to strike the enimie. WIthout all doubt, the thrust is to be preferred before the edgeblowe, aswell because it striketh in lesse time, as also for that in the saide time, it doth more hurt. pose, that it hitteth home safely vnder that blow, and farther is a let, or barre, to the enimies sword, so that it maie not light on the legges, considering that in the discharge of the saide thrust, the hinder foote must necessarily go compassing towardes the right side behinde. Ne gia per questo darei consiglio ad alcuno, che o in questa ouero in altra sorte d’arme s’auezzasse à trar colpi di taglio; percioche si puo sott’eßi facilmente ferir di punta. sword, to driue it from the right side, for doing otherwise: that is, if he force the blowes giuen on the leftside outwardes on the right side (forasmuch as the enimies sworde hath by that meanes two motions, the one crossing, which is alreadie giuen, the other straight which the enimie giueth it, continuing the one with the other) it may be, that in the straight motion, it may hit the person Of the falses of the two Swordes: or Rapiers. hauing no other defence, it is prouided in the staffe, and is most forcible, to cut the Pikes by meanes of his heauines and waight, and the rather, because it is vnfurnished and voide of other things, which in this case might let and hinder the edge blow. saide pace, and returne his hand againe to the crosse, setling himselfe either in the high or lowe warde. Sendo dunque tratta questa punta di dentro, si si deue batterla con il filo per di dentro & questo si adimanda uolta he may beate it off and retire himselfe, but if it be an edgeblowe, then, as soone as the two hand sword is lifted vp, in the same time he must encrease forwards and deliuer a thrust, or else if he haue no time to strike he must encounter & beare the blow in the first parte of the sworde, which is neare the hiltes, taking holde thereof with one hande, and striking with the other. Sigmund Ringeck's Commentaries on Johann Liechtenauer's Fechtbuch-c. wisheth continuall Honor, worthines of mind, and learned knowledg, with increas of worldlie Fame, & heauenlie felicitie. much time. DELLA SPADA ET pugnale. or defend) doth not carrie these weapons about him, but is constrained to defend himselfe with a peece of wood from a Iavelyn, with a stoole or fourme from a sworde, or with a cloake from a dagger, in which case men commonly vse many other things not ordained for that purpose, doing that therewith which naturall instinct teacheth them. Nov 25, 2023 · by Giacomo di Grassi, W. Yet notwithstāding, because, as I haue before said, they be innumerable so that if I shold perticularly handle euerie one, besides the great toile and trauaile I should sustaine, it would also doubtles be vnprofitable, because the principels and groundes which are laid downe in this Art, serue only for such weapons as are commonlye warded with the sworde: For to lift the arme so high being burdened with the waight of the Cloak, which naturally draweth downwards, as it is a violent thing it is also perilous, least the arme be placed in steede of the Cloake, and so rest wounded, or lest the arme or Cloake be placed before the eyes, which by that meanes remaine blinded. But if he would deliuer a down-right blow with the edge which I counsell him not to doe, because he may easily be stroken vnder it, he shall first discharge a thrust with both his handes, and then encreasing a pace, shal turne the saide downright blowe, stretching out the arme as much as Venirò, dunque al secondo & mostrero le ragioni per lequali ferendo di punta si ferisca rettamente dico che qual uolta la spada sarà mossa dal solo moto del braccio che sempre & necessariamente formerà cerchio per le ragioni gia dette, ma se auiene come quasi sempre auiene che il braccio in mouendo ormi un cerchio a l'insu, & la mano Altroue ho detto la spada nel ferire formar o cerchio o parte di cerchio' del quale la mano e il centro; & é manifesto che una rota che gira, ha maggior forza & uelocità nella circonferenza che uerso il centro, alla qual ruo, ta sendo similißima la spada nel ferire; ci pare di diuiderla in quattro parti eguali; delle quali quella piu uicina blow. AMong all the Prayers, wherein through the whole course of my life, I haue asked any great thing at Gods hands, I haue alwayes most earnestly beseeched, that (although at this present I am verie poore and of base Fortune) he would notwithstanding giue me grace to be thankefull and mindfull of the good turnes which I haue receiued. pdf/183. 1 MB, MIME type: application/pdf, 184 pages) Original file ‎(1,275 × 1,650 pixels, file size: 10. Jherek Swanger Hardcover - Paperback. Et in questo ferir di punta per spingerla con maggior furia che si possa & con maggior avantaggio et piu lunga. & parimente quando l’inimico per tentare trara un taglio di nodo si sarà auertiti di subito tratto il nodo, crescer il passo obliquo & ferire di punta con la cresciuta del passo retto, pria che l’inimico dopo il nodo possa risoluersi di fare altri coplo. Il terzo modo e fuggendo di uita per uscir della linea retta uerso l'una ol'latra parte, ma questo modo rare uolte s'usa per se folo, ma accompagnato con l'opponer l'arme o con il secondo, & se s'usa solo, si usa di lasciar andar uuoto il colpo & ferir poi l'inimico nel tempo che e trasportato dal colpo. And as the enimie commeth resolutely determined to thrust within, he must as soone, or more redily then he, encrease a left pace, and with the right side of his Target close in the enimies sword, between it and his owne sworde, and then to enter perforce, & thrust either betweene the two Targets or els vnder them, with the increase of a pace of the right foote. 1 MB, MIME type: application/pdf, 184 pages) were forciblie deliuered with both the handes, and then, by taking away one hand from the crosse, they were springed as farre forth, as the pomel hand, foote, and all the bodie of that side, may be stretched out. . Of all the which, fiue of them might verie well strike, & the last might neither strike nor defend. DELLE GVARDIA. And if the enimie do first moue, and strike straight, in the which, his sworde is not carried much outwardes (and it is hardly done,) I saie, the enimie may by stealing of half paces, discharge a thrust perforce. SENDO sicurißima & facdifesa del diritto & riuerso di questa guardia non ne starò per hora adir altro ristringend mi solo all punta, la quale non uenendo uietata in principio puo esser causa di morte. both falses, and resolute blowes, the which it doth verie easily perfourme: For if it be borne aloft, then by the bending of the point down, it defendeth that part of the bodie, to the which it is turned. also, at one instant, safely strike, and offend, as shal be shewed in the defence of this warde. prima era la faccia, di modo che uine aspingere la spada inimica lontana da se senza fatica molta percioche ogni peco di moto nelle prime parti della spada causa molta uarietà nella punta di doue principalmente uienel offensa nel qual caso sarebbe molto utile un pugnale largo. ESSENDO con quanta breuita è stata poßibile uenuto al fine di quello che per la uera scienza della spada si può trattare, pare cosa conueneuole, uenendo dal semplice al composito, trattar di quelle armi prima ceh dalla spada sola in fuori sono o piu semplici o meno composite, & di quelle principalmente che piu hoggi di s’ufsano, & nelle quali piu gli huomini si Just because scans appear on Wiktenauer does not mean that they are free to use. DIFESA DI GVARDIA ALTA DI spada, & pugnale. C. sarà dì bisogno quanto esso inalza il manico, che il nodo di mano moué dosi circularmente a l'ingiu & formando il cerchio A C Questo tirando seco la punta della spada a l'ingiu la fa di neceßita andar a ferir nel punto. Nov 6, 2023 · Ragione di adoprar sicuramente l'Arme ("Discourse on Wielding Arms with Safety") is an Italian fencing manual written by Giacomo di Grassi and printed in 1570; it was also printed in England after di Grassi transplanted there. forwardes, setling himselfe after the deliuerie thereof in the lowe warde. betweene the Target & bodie of the enimie, with the encrease of a pace of the right foote: the which thrust will safely speede the enimie, if his bodie be not fitst voided. ing back of the arme or loosing of time. DELLA OFFESA DI GVARDIA BASSA di spada, & pugnale. THE Arme likewise is not in euerie part of equall force and swiftnes but differeth in euerie bowing thereof, that is to saie in the wrist, in the elboe and in the shoulder: for the blowes of the wrist as they are more swift, so they are lesse stronge: And the other two, as they are more strong, so they are more slow, because they performe a greater compas. di taglio appresenta, & da modo all’inimico do giungere prima. Page:Ragione di adoprar sicuramente l'Arme (Giacomo di Grassi) 1570. fast in his hand may in my opinion be tearmed Weapon. And therefore a man ought to accustome his bodie, armes and handes aswell to strike as defend. OFFESA DI GVARDIA LARGA DI spada, & pugnale. tm pb js pe ed sp ht qd yy jx